Wilted Hope – Is She Wrong To Dream?

The man sees her, then lays wilted flowers at her feet as payment for her.  Will she accept his minimal offer?  Will weariness cause her to relinquish hope?

Is it so wrong to dream?  Is it such a crime for Ruth to long for a hero?  To envision her knight riding in and rescuing her from the emptiness in her heart, and the black void in the back of her throat that swallows her breath before it reaches her lungs.  If only she could be the one to captivate him.  If only she didn’t bear the shame of a once has-been.  Oh’ she was radiant next to her forever love.  Since death’s sting, she’s now dirty from the fields and darkened by the burning day’s sun.  Her hands are no longer lovely, but callused from the chaff she has to weed through.  Years have passed and her eyes have witnessed society’s corruption.  Hope of obtaining anything more than her present circumstance is thin.

But there is a thread of faith still coursing through her blood. If she can just press on one more moment, one more hour, one more day, then maybe change will come.  If she had completely given up, she would no longer get up in the morning and taste a morning meal.  If she allowed the internal switch to flip to off, she would not even permit her eyes to open, but she does.  She gets up.  She stands to her feet, grabbing her aching heart as she forces air deep, deep, deep into her lungs.  Ruth tunes her ears to listens for the voice that’s been comforting her in this long winter season; and He speaks, “I walk with you.”  As long as she can hear Him, she knows she will be ok.  She whispers back, “Please guide me on the perfect path You have for my life.”  Then Ruth proceeds to live.

I’ve been told that because my standards are so high, the field of possibility for a “hero” is narrowed greatly.  Maybe so, but to broaden my standards would mean accepting the serpent’s lie spoken so long ago in the garden.  “Did God really say…?”  “Surely you will not die.” (Gen 3:1-4) To settle for what society says is good enough would make me like Sarah, who offered her maid Hagar to her husband Abraham to obtain her promised son.  Sarah tried to manipulate God and therefore planted tainted seed, and we are still paying a high price for her action today.

Ruth waited eleven years for Boaz to find her, to be her hero.  She waited and let God work out all the details that would turn her broken and tired heart into a heart that danced with joy again.  Even after she and Boaz met, there were still obstacles to overcome.  Before Boaz could rightfully marry Ruth, he had to get the first “close relative” in line to forfeit his right to her.  Boaz was a man of high honor, so he did so according to custom and law – he legally bought her.  She captivated his heart so much that he paid to support both Ruth and Ruth’s mother-in-law, Naomi.

Not unlike today, Ruth lived in a time when immorality and corruption infiltrated the land, but she remained a woman of virtue.  Though I’m sure her wait seemed long, and she witnessed many other widows being blessed with new lives, Ruth remained faithful to Naomi’s God and He blessed her far beyond what she could dream.

This story tells me that I’m not wrong in praying for a hero to rescue me.  My definition of “hero” is not like what Hollywood depicts.  I don’t believe in their “Happily Ever After” stories.  There is real life after the honeymoon and that life can be made wonderful.  My hero is not perfect, just God’s perfect for me.  He is not a reincarnate, nor a replacement of Warren.  He is his own man and he seeks God the best he knows how.  He recognizes that God is his source of courage and strength.  Because of this, he is courageous and strong – as he taps into his source.

“Then she said, “Sit still, my daughter, until you know how the matter will turn out; for the man will not rest until he has concluded the matter this day.” – Ruth 3:18

I would rather go to my grave hoping, than to settle for the counterfeit before the real.  Only God knows what His best is for me, and only God can put His stamp of approval, which is His peace, on the real.  So, I will “sit still” until I’m worth more than wilted flowers.

~Shannan Parker

2011, Keeping It Real!

*Read the entire story of Ruth, NKJV.


  1. Lewis said,

    02/17/2011 at 11:50

    This is really good, Shannan.

  2. Myles Holmes said,

    02/17/2011 at 11:50


  3. Lisa Friesen said,

    02/18/2011 at 11:50

    I will pray with you Shannan!! He is out there 🙂 xoxo

  4. Tracey Paris said,

    02/18/2011 at 11:50

    Praying for Gods perfect plan everyday! May he bless you and keep you each and every day! We are praying for you!
    Love you tonnes and miss you!

    • 02/21/2011 at 11:50

      Tons of love back at ya! I sure hope I can come up sometime this year. I’ll make Edna throw a big party for me 🙂 That way I can see everyone.

  5. Cynthia Tavenor said,

    02/18/2011 at 11:50

    I love you Shannan and I love this post. You are such an incredible woman of God my beautiful friend ❤

    • 02/21/2011 at 11:50

      Cynthia, From one beautiful friend to another, I love you dearly 😉 You are so good to me and have stood by my side for so long.

  6. 02/18/2011 at 11:50

    No, you are not wrong to dream and hope for God’s best for you – in every area of your life. A man who desperately wants to win back the affection of a hurt/disappointed/dejected lover doesn’t give wilted flowers. He spares nothing, going to the ends of his creativity, time, and resources to express what she means to him. He doesn’t stop until he wins her heart back or she threatens to call the police! I once received one wilted flower and a thick envelope with a wad of cash. It was all I needed to know about the man who was “pursuing” me. His half-hearted, cold attempt at restoration shone the light I needed to see on his heart. I thought the thick envelope contained a letter in which he might pour out his heart and beg for me to love him again. The wad of cash and wilted flower stung more than any criticism he’d ever given me. You are right to wait for the man who pours out his love for you and offers himself freely. I look forward to the day when you find such a treasure.

    • 02/21/2011 at 11:50

      A wad of cash???? What??? Are you serious??? That was an insult. Wow! That’s all I got for that one. I’m so glad you did not let him buy you with cash. You are far more valuable than a dollar amount! As for me, God knows.

      • kimberlywyse said,

        09/06/2013 at 11:50

        Just reread this and had the same thoughts today as I did then. And in response to the question of cash… To him that was the best gift he could give. He could think of nothing better. If that thick envelope had contained a love letter like I thought, I would’ve been putty in his hands. But cash? It showed me the true nature of his heart that I’d been trying to believe was something else. I’d tried to make him into something he was not. It was the end for us. Thank God! He has made all things new and blessed me with a man whose heart is purer than gold.

  7. Mary Bartolo said,

    02/18/2011 at 11:50

    What a beautiful piece of work. I can tell that this writing is the fruit of a heart that has gone through some stuff and has faithfully waited upon the Lord. The story of Ruth is one of my favorites because truly she is a woman of substance…of virtue and of worth. YOU my friend are just as much a woman of substance, virtue and worth. You are right to not sell yourself short by accepting a sustitute for God’s best. If a man is not willing to fight to win and keep your heart; if he is not able to dedicate the time needed to court you and win you; if he is not willing to invest everything he has emotionally and spiritually to woo you, then he is NOT good enough for you, nor God’s BEST! You will know him when he arrives and I promise he is worth the wait. 🙂

    • 02/18/2011 at 11:50

      Amen, sister!

    • 02/21/2011 at 11:50

      You are so sweet and I greatly appreciate you Mary. I pray God always keep me close to Him and protect me. I know He will lead where He wishes. I’m gonna have to “know him” because I’m a little locked up at the moment. Trust will be hard.

  8. 02/19/2011 at 11:50

    No,you aren’t not wrong to dream Shannan, and hope God’s best for you in every area of your life, god bless you Shannan, we love you-Clinton & Loraine

  9. Roy Dueck said,

    02/19/2011 at 11:50

    I was listening to my MP3 player not that long ago and came across my favorite Parker Trio song “Beauty From Ashes.” My father in law passed away in early December 2010 and I played this song for my wife just to remind her that God is still in control. It really ministered to her. I wish there was more than prayer that we could do for you, but know that you have folks all over the world praying for you. Wait and hold on Shannen, He’s in control. God bless you.

    • 02/21/2011 at 11:50

      Oh’ how sweet of you to share this story with me. ‘Beauty From Ashes’ was the very last song Warren recorded; I hold onto these words often. God is in control, and I know I’m going to be alright with so many praying with me and for me. Thank You!

  10. 10/12/2011 at 11:50

    […] Once Ruth let Boaz know she was interested in him, it was his job to “concluded the matter” and pursue her.  At this point, if he chose not to pursue her, Ruth would have needed to decide that it was worth waiting for the one who found her worthy of fighting for. […]

  11. Ytai said,

    03/17/2012 at 11:50

    Wow, beatuful post Shannan! Have you ever read any of Elisabeth Elliot’s books?

    • 03/23/2012 at 11:50

      I have not read her books but you are the second person to mention her to me in the past week. What’s a good first read of hers?

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