What Are You Doing With All The Stinky’s?


Stinky's Invitation

Have you ever had a day where nothing seemed to be going as planned?  A day where the harder you try to get back on the course you’ve mapped out, the more obstacles you run into?  Such is my day!

I’m not going to go into all the boring details for you, but let’s just say, NOTHING has worked out except for me showing up on time for my 9:30 appointment this morning.   What in the world am I to do with frustration around every corner?  I have family coming in for a quick stop over on their way to Florida in two days and I’m accomplishing zilch on my “Must-Do” list.

I stopped to grab a snack at ‘Whole Foods’ and finally just decided to come and sit here in Starbucks.  I’ve been wanting to have some dialog with all of you, but I knew if I went home I’d just keep spinning in circles, getting nothing done and saying nothing.  So here I am, sitting…  I must say it feels really good to stop and put the brakes on all the chaos.  I have had so many topics swirling in my head to share with you, but every time I try to pen the words my self-diagnosed ADD kicks in and I draw a blank.  I’ve made a decision to trust God in all things and believe every word He spoke is true, so I must believe He’s ordered each chaotic footstep today – leading me to this very place.  Therefore, it is from this place I will write the thoughts of my heart.

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way.” – Psalm 37:23

I’ve asked God to guide me and illuminate His path for my life.  With this in mind, what makes me think His plan is going to line up with the list I map out for the day? How often do I wrestle against the very thing I’ve asked God for?  Today’s issues are small, whereas the past few months have held heart-pains that have caused me to battle between the mind’s will to control and the spirit’s longing to surrender.  The winner in this struggle is all up to me.  I choose who comes out on top.  I often hear people say, “The devil made me do it.”  The devil may be the one tempting me to walk in the wrong direction of mistrust* for my Heavenly Father, but he cannot “Make Me” do anything.  The road I follow is my decision.

I’ll write more specifics later on what led me to these thoughts, but know this, God loves you and longs to bless you.  He wants to give you every good and perfect gift.  Will you trust Him to work all things out for your good, or will you give up in the height of your emotions?

“Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren.  Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” – James 1:16-17

If God gives a gift, it’s ours to keep, and it is good and there is peace in it.  If we’re not walking in peace then we may be failing to pick up God’s perfect gift because we are still clinging to a counterfeit.


Are You Clinging To The Stinky's?

At the end of my life’s journey, I want a God-story of my life, not a “I Did It My Way” story.  Doing things my way will most likely bring moments of pleasure, but they’re never lasting.  I want God’s best.  His best is not momentary but eternal.  Today, I am deciding to trust Him in the middle of all my anxieties.  I am trading in all my stinky counterfeits so I can pick up heaven’s best.

Is there a time where your emotions were overwhelming you and seemingly stealing your very breath?  What did you do?  Will you share what happen and the result of your decision with me?


2011, Keeping It Real!

I will choose to look beyond the heavy rain that’s begun to fall and see the trees that are starting to bloom after a long cold winter.

*God is trustworthy, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 42.


  1. Rob said,

    03/09/2011 at 11:50

    Sounds like a very normal day. That last question could or should be asked again until you have enough content to write a book on real people overcoming and/or living with the emotions of life.

  2. Lisa said,

    03/10/2011 at 11:50

    I meditate on 2 Corinthians 10:5 and the whole chapter for a month 🙂 Revelation came PTL!!!

    • 03/10/2011 at 11:50

      Lisa, I love the second half of this verse, “…and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. The first clue to our thought not being of God, is it does not line up with His word. On the other hand, I heard this question and answer that I often refer back to. “How do you know a prophecy (or personal thought in prayer time) is real? If it comes to pass.” We can rest and trust in His sovereignty.

  3. Bob Teeple said,

    03/10/2011 at 11:50

    I hope the rest of your day gets better. I have also had some interesting challenges in the past few days, but I realize there are some things you can control and some things that you can’t. I try not to get too stressed out when things don’t go as planned.

  4. Juliette said,

    03/10/2011 at 11:50

    Lately, I have been struggling with feeling insecure and unlovable and I find it interesting that I have been studying about Faith this week. We are to love God and have faith in Him, no matter how much our emotions tell us to run and hide. Faith is believing God loves us even when we don’t feel it and He seems so far away. Well, my friend Karen, stopped by my house yesterday, on the spur of the moment, and said the Lord told her to share this worship song with me. So, right in my driveway, there we were listening to this worship song. I was so moved by the lyrics! It was such a big hug from the Lord and I felt His presence so very strong right there in the car. Karen’s act of obedience in stopping by my house was simply God’s way of gently singing into my heart “I love you, Juliette, that I will even send a friend over to you to hear it!” You know, I’ve felt His loving arm around me ever since! God will take care of us as we continually seek Him and obey His prompting on our hearts.

    • 03/10/2011 at 11:50

      Juliette, Wow! How awesome is God? He cannot be measured. Our emotions do sway us in so many directions, many of which are false. Learning to harness them and balance them is difficult but necessary. God speaks in so many ways. I’m so glad you kept your ears tuned so you could hear Him when He showed up – in a tangible way. We don’t always feel Him, but He is always present.

  5. Jana said,

    03/10/2011 at 11:50

    This is good! We all do this way to often!

  6. Sandi Flippo said,

    03/11/2011 at 11:50

    Yes, I just encountered this last week. I decided to trust God with my overwhelming situations and He has blessed me immensely!

    Love, Sandi

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