I Cannot..I Can..I Cannot…OH’ But Yes I CAN Because I Am!

This Is Fact:

I Want!!!

I cannot compete with the new sports car, except the fact that both our bodies will get crinkles and dents and our engine will only go so many miles.

Now This Is Living!

Nor can I measure up to the bigger fancier home, except the fact that both our foundations may crack, our walls will sag, and our carpeting will wear thin.

This Is Truth:

I am more valuable than all these things. I AM CREATED IN THE IMAGE OF GOD.  I am His master design!

“I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works..” Psalm 139:14

As long as God is first in my heart, I can hold you when you hurt, laugh with you when life is funny, and I love you back.  Unlike a diamond, I will eternally shine!

“Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, WHICH IS SO UNCERTAIN, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with EVERYTHING for our enjoyment.” (1 Tim. 6:17)

The very rich city of Tyre was untouchable by man, it could NOT be defeated, BUT GOD SPOKE and wiped it off the face of the earth because they put their trust in their wealth & not Him; even the stones were turned to dust.  (The Destruction of Tyre Commentary – Ezekiel 26:1-14)

Dear God, guard my heart and keep me focused on You. May I fulfill the reason You choose to breathe life into me.

Put your hope in this world and you will lose everything in the end, but put your hope in God and you will gain everything for all eternity.
